Carvaan-e-Ali was established in 1995 by Muhammad Anwar Hussain and Ashiq Ali as a non-profit organization, which doesn’t earn any profit for its owner.
The main idea was to help the deprived section of the community. Ashiq Ali a kind-hearted person decided to help the needy and poor families in the community and laid the foundation stone of Carvaan-e-Ali along with Muhammad Anwar Hussain a well-educated and well-renowned person in the area. Carvaan-e-Ali helps needy families with groceries and ready-to-eat food. Carvaan-e-Ali helps the poor families with cash for their bills and rent or weddings of their daughters.
We try to elevate low-income families or families with no income at all from poverty through small businesses like sewing machines, food carts and corner stores.
For over 25 years we have been finding, fuelling and creating the most impactful and scalable solutions to lift families out of poverty.
We started a free ambulance service for the community and plan to increase this service shortly.
We help needy families with clothes and shoes for different seasons.
This all is possible with the help of well-established overseas Pakistani and locally wealthy peoples. Their donations made it possible.


Caravan-e-Ali trust has a vision of making Pakistan a great country to live in, where even a person has the means to feed his family, kids have a right to education, and every patient has the resources to get treatment. We have and endeavor for a society whose key characteristic is patience and tolerance, something badly needs. We pledge to serve Pakistan and nurture good human beings.


Alhamdulillah, Caravan-e-Ali believes in the philosophy of Welfare for all.. without any discrimination of Color, Cast or Creed. Strictly following Islamic Principles  as a guideline for rendering free of cost services to humanity, the organization is extending the domain of its services day by day.

Accountability, being the top priority of the Trust, the welfare activities are carried out to reach every deserving person. We aim at providing relief to the indigent humanity and  to every destitute person who requires a helping hand.

As the famous Chinese proverb goes,” Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”, Alamgir Welfare Trust strives to create opportunities for the people to develop self reliance and to make them a useful member of the society.



Muhammad Ali the founder of Pakistan and the father of the nation wanted to create an Islamic welfare state based on Riastey Madina, but, unfortunately, our political system made a feudal state instead of a welfare state, where the poor is becoming poorer and richer is becoming richer. Muhammad Ali never wished to have a system like this where the state promotes feudalism. So people like Abdul Sattar edhi, Anwar Hussain and Ashiq Ali always come forward to help the poor which the state failed to deliver.
We are trying to follow the thoughts and teachings of our beloved leader Muhammad Ali and our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and our Khalifa Mola Ali Ibne Abi Talib (AS).
Inshallah we will continue this Carvaan till the end.


He is our mentor and great inspiration who laid the foundation stone of the edhi foundation and helped millions of poor families in Pakistan. His social work influenced us to take this initiative and start this Carvaan. By the grace of almighty Allah, we planned to increase our services throughout Punjab and later throughout the country, inshallah.


He is our mentor and great inspiration who laid the foundation stone of the edhi foundation and helped millions of poor families in Pakistan. His social work influenced us to take this initiative and start this Carvaan. By the grace of almighty Allah, we planned to increase our services throughout Punjab and later throughout the country, inshallah.